First Posted: 5/28/2008

The Susquehanna County LWV is inviting the public, all elected officials, and all those seeking office in the upcoming November General Election to meet and greet at their Annual Dinner Meeting.
It will be held on Wednesday, May 28 at 6 p.m. at The Summit Tea Room Rt 11-706 in New Milford. Cost for the dinner is $22 and reservations are required. Senator Lisa Baker, District 20, will be present to give a legislative update. LWV PA President Andrea Mulrine will also speak on redistricting reform.
Current county officials and declared candidates will receive invitations in the mail, however there may be others, particularly write-in, Green Party, or independent candidates who are now circulating nomination petitions but are unknown to the LWV.
August 1 is the last day to file petitions at the Courthouse. If your intention is to run for office in November, or if you know any candidates in this situation, please contact the League.
The LWV is non-partisan organization whose mission is to educate and encourage citizens to play an informed and active role in government. For Annual Dinner reservations or more information contact LWVSC President Shirley Masters at (570) 434-2968 or . More information on the LWVSC can also be found at .