Abington Journal

Social media policy proposed for Clarks Green’s Facebook page

CLARKS GREEN — During May’s Council meeting, Council woman Olga Trushina pitched the idea of a space on Facebook to post a social media policy.

She suggested to keep it general and have specific rules for the employees in charge of posting information on it. Solicitor Al Weinschenk agreed to set up a template for a social media policy. When asked if it was in lieu of an updated website, Trushina replied that it’s an addition to a website.

“People use Facebook to get information about local politics and other things that’s happening in their community,” she said. “It’s a very good avenue to get people to understand what’s happening.”

Trushina also said that people can limit comments to avoid controversy.

In his financial report, Council President Bill Egan read the following account balances: general fund checking account, $522,264.30; sewer fund checking, $313,116.19; state funds, $264,273.04. Moving markets checking and savings total $2,034,286.03.

Council voted to pay the bills.

In other business, council voted to pay the second quarter payment to Hillside Park in the amount of $1,585.25.

Council voted to approve a change to the Clarks Green Borough Sanitary CIPP Line Project adding an additional 1,400 feet at $17,500.

Council voted to renominate Bill Risse to the Abington Area Joint Recreation Board for a five-year term.

Council voted to reappoint MJ Igoe to the Abington Area Joint Recreation Board for a five-year term.

Council voted to appoint Dave Rinaldi to the zoning hearing board.