RANSOM TWP. — At the Ransom Township supervisors’ meeting Sept. 13, supervisor Allan Myers announced that the supervisors send a letter of support of providing community solar facilities under House Bill 1555, an act amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes.

He said that the letter was requested by Gentry Rouse, senior project developer of SGC Power/Development. He said that the decision about whether or not solar facilities will be allowed in townships will be decided in November.

“We’re really pushing for it,” said Myers.

The supervisors were asked how much money the township will make over the life of the solar panel. Supervisor Dave Bird said that he can find out from SGC Power/Development.

“If these bills pass, (SGC will) reach out to utility providers,” he said.

In other business, Bird announced that in accordance with Act 65 of 2021 (Amendment to Sunshine Law) Senate Bill 554, the supervisors’ monthly meeting agendas will be available at the township building and will also be accessible through the township’s website prior to each monthly meeting.

In his supervisor’s report, Bird announced:

• Alliance Landfill is seeking approval from DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) to extend hours due to hurricane damage: Monday through Friday 4am to 8pm; Saturdays, 5am to 5pm; Sundays, 7am to 4pm.

• A fall clean-up will take place on Friday, Oct. 8, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, Oct. 9, from 7 a.m. to noon.

• the Wayne County YMCA will have an electronic recycling event at the Wayne County Fairground in Honesdale on Sept. 25 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $20 per carload. An additional $20 for each air conditioner and for each dehumidifier.

• The general fund is $1,165,973.33; liquid fuels, $777,596.11; revenues, $45,725.70; expenditures, $59,739.87.

• The recycling for August was 4.4 tons. This month’s recycling date will be September 24.

• The next planning commission meeting will be Sept. 20 (TBD). The next supervisor’s meeting will be Monday, Oct. 4, at Mount Dewey Community Center at 6 p.m.