The 13th Local Author’s Luncheon, sponsored by the Novel Woman Book Club, will be held at Elkview Country Club on Wednesday, Oct. 13, starting with a time of hospitality at 11:30. Lunch will be served at 12:15.
The luncheon benefits the Forest City Branch of the Susquehanna County Library System.
Tammy Mal is back as the speaker for this year’s luncheon. Tammy spoke about her writing experiences for us in 2014 but has since written more true crime books, usually about local historical crimes, so has more stories to share. Her research on her latest book, “Convenient Suspect,” which explores a possible wrongful conviction, has led her to be featured on two television documentaries: Investigation Discovers “Murder in Lehigh Valley, Keith Morrison Investigates” and the Starz Channel’s “Wrong Man.” She has been interviewed on NPR radio and in the past wrote for True Detective Magazine. Tammy currently lives in Union Dale and works for the Forest City News.
The cost of the luncheon is $25. Reservations are due by Oct. 6 and can be made by sending your check to the Forest City Library, 531 Main St., Forest City, PA 18421.
A raffle will be held in conjunction with the event to raise additional funds for the library. Current COVID regulations will be followed.