SCRANTON — The Lackawanna County Cooperative Extension Association held its annual meeting in late October at the Carbondale Technology Transfer Center, Carbondale.

During the business meeting, four new members were elected to its board of directors: Cathy Hardaway, director of Active Adult Programs at United Neighborhood Centers; Jamie Rollison, energy coordinator at Scranton Lackawanna Human Development Agency; Lisa Landsiedel, Valley Equestrians 4-H Club organizational leader and 4-H Youth Programming Advisory Committee president and Vivian Williams, community impact director at Voluntary Action Center of NEPA.

At the conclusion of the meeting, attendees received a tour of the Carbondale Technology Transfer Center (CTTC) given by Director Paul Browne and business owners housed in the business incubator.

Penn State Extension in Lackawanna County is part of an educational network that gives local residents access to the resources and expertise of the Pennsylvania State University. For more information, contact the Extension office at 570-963-6842.

New Board Members of the Penn State Extension were elected at the recent annual meeting. From left, Cathy Hardaway and Jamie Rollison, new board members; Carol Chaykosky, board president; Leonard Sacco, vice president; Ellen Caggiano, board secretary and Terry Schettini, extension district director. Board Members of the Penn State Extension were elected at the recent annual meeting. From left, Cathy Hardaway and Jamie Rollison, new board members; Carol Chaykosky, board president; Leonard Sacco, vice president; Ellen Caggiano, board secretary and Terry Schettini, extension district director. Submitted photo

For Abington Journal

Information provided by Lackawanna County Communications.