The Susquehanna County Career and Technology Center (SCCTC) announced its October Students of the Month. From left, first row, are Amanda Ganly, sophomore, welding technology, Lackawanna Trail; Abigail O’Dell, sophomore, criminal justice/police science, Mountain View; Makayla Davis, junior, health care technology, Elk Lake; Jade Lee, senior, health care technology, Elk Lake, and SCCTC Executive Director Alice Davis. Second row, Mickayla Wilbur, junior, cosmetology, Montrose; Makayla Cole; Dakota Stone, senior, Welding Technology, Blue Ridge; Cameron Wasko, junior, carpentry and cabinetmaking, Susquehanna; Ryan Butler, adult student, apprentice craftsman, and Tristan Beebe, junior, vehicle maintenance, Mountain View. Absent from photo are Eric Thomas, sophomore, automotive technology, Elk Lake; Griffin Kasson, senior, apprentice craftsman, Elk Lake; Dominick Filer, junior, electrical, plumbing and heating, Elk Lake; Kylie Smith, junior, business education, Elk Lake; Brianna Young, senior, cosmetology, Mountain View; Erin Sherman, cosmetology, adult student; Ashley McKinney, 12-plus, food management/prod/services, Elk Lake; Tessa Merritt, junior, food management/prod/services, Elk Lake, and Eli Youmans, junior, autobody/collision repair technology, home school student.